Posts Tagged ‘contest’

A Light Bulb Moment and a Contest!

October 31, 2012

Announcing the soon release of my first electronic newsletter. I will be sending the first edition before Thanksgiving. This will be a quarterly newsletter all things Double Cousins. It will be aimed at children, parents, teachers, and anyone else who wants to read about what I am up to.

I hope to offer great ideas, awesome information, and “hear-it-first-here”news!

However, I need your help! I have been wracking my brain for a great, awesome, superlative title for the newsletter. Just when I had about given up a light bulb went off in my brain! Light bulb!

Of course! I’ll have a contest. Contests are fun! Contests bring readers! Contests are helpful!

So, here’s the deal. Submit an idea for a name for my newsletter by November 14th and I will choose my favorite three. Then, when the first edition of the yet-to-be-named newsletter is released you will have an opportunity to vote on which of the three names is actually chosen.

The person who comes up with the winning title will receive a free copy of each of my books, just in time for Christmas.

So, put your thinking caps on and send me your ideas.

Send them to:

If you would like to be included on the mailing list for the e-newsletter and can’t think of a name just send an email to this address and I’ll add you to the list!