Posts Tagged ‘A Tea Party for One’

A Tea Party For One

September 6, 2012

Yesterday I had a tea party for one on my porch. It was lovely.

For the first time in several weeks I had a day that I deemed my “day off.” Oh, I still went out, picked beans and shelled them. But, due to the fact that we had a supper at church I didn’t even fix supper. I didn’t fix breakfast either since my hubby spoils me but that’s another topic!

So, shortly after noon I said to myself. “Self, would you come over and join me for a tea party on my porch?”

Self jumped up and down and clapped her hands. “What a lovely idea, Miriam. Why didn’t I think of that?”

And, that my friends is how I had a tea party for one.

I filled one of my favorite tea pots—the magnolia teapot I used when I had tea parties with my nieces and nephews years ago. I covered it with the tea cozy my sister, Vonda bought for me for my birthday. I pulled a tea cup and saucer down out of the cabinet. It wasn’t a fancy one, but one my husband helped me look all over town for on one of our anniversaries.

I carried my pile of books to the porch: a Bible, No Time On My Hands—the autobiography of a homesteading lady in the late 19th century, and my friend’s great-grandma—and an inspirational book on writing by Cecil Murphey.


I sat on my porch, read my books, drank my tea, and listened to the birds. Occasionally, I saw one of the first Autumn leaves let go and fall.


I relaxed. I reminisced about the high tea we experienced at the Christian Commicators Conference last week. It might surprise you but I do occasionally enjoy being forced to sit and remember my manners. Just not all of the time. I remembered the delight with which my nieces and nephews approached a tea party with me or with my sister, Vonda. Admittedly, the boys were in it for the refreshments—AKA food—but they were there and they learned a few hints as to the niceties of life in the process.

Oh yes, those niceties. I have to say that the nicest part of this “tea party for one” was the fact that no one cared if I left my sweetener wrapper on the table instead of the saucer. And, it didn’t matter if I dropped my spoon on the floor. Now, THAT’s the kind of tea party for a “day off”!